Introducing the worlds first plug and play electric power steering controller.
OEM mechanical power steering pumps were never meant to sustain high load for long periods of time.That's why we created the PSC.The worlds first truly plug and play controller that utilizes OEM pumps from Dodge, Mazda and Toyota. Whether you're rock crawlng at low speed, winding your UTV up over some dunes or racing around and down a track, our controller will provide confidence in your steering system.
100% plug and play
The PSC is the worlds first fully plug and play OEM power steering controller. Hook up your Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS), power, ground and you're on your way.
Additional control with potentiometer input
Banging off the limiter while drifting? Rock crawling up a steep climb in your 4x4? Control the hydraulic output of your power steering pump with optional potentiometer.
IP68 rated, fully potted, durable waterproof design.
Racing in the rain? Hitting the lake? Don't worry about it. The PSC is built to be water resistant, potted for extra security.
We're always adding more OEM support.
The PSC currently supports the control of Mazda, Dodge, and Toyota electric power steering pumps from many model vehicles. We're always adding more pumps and monitoring the electric pump landscape.
Don't take our word for it.
Don't take our word for it.
PSC greatly enhanced my LS swapped E36's steering, offering easy setup, responsive support, and customizable firmness based on ECU input.
PSC greatly enhanced my LS swapped E36's steering, offering easy setup, responsive support, and customizable firmness based on ECU input.
Our steering kits depend on the PSC to operate, and make our kit come to life.
My builds are always unique. I needed something that transcends traditional methods, and the PSC delivers.
The worlds first truly plug and play electric power steering controller, utilizing OEM Dodge, Volvo, Toyota and Mazda electric power steering pumps and assist systems. Our controller will provide you reliability in your power steering system, while opening up full control over the level of assist you want, either with input from an ECU through PWM output, or with a simple potentiometer.