GM/Chevrolet LS Connector kit


LS1, LS6, DBW or non DBW, 6.3L or 5.7L this kit covers as many GM LSx variants as we've found to date, as well as the iron block variants. We've also done you a solid, this kit does not include any pull to seat connector variants which are much more difficult to work with.  Just select your injector type and your ignition coil type. If you need help choosing please see out Resources page.

Pair this with a flying lead harness, ECU and sensor kits for a complete DIY engine electronics solution. 

Note: Includes connectors for stock GM engine components (*no MAF connector is supplied), no aftermarket sensor or transmission related components are included. Additional connectors can also be purchased using our website, no substitutions.

 Includes connectors for the following:

Crank sensor
Cam sensor
Alt Gen 4
Alt Gen 3
Knock Gen 4 (x2) (not pictured)
Knock Gen 3 sub harness
Coolant temp sensor
Air Intake temp sensor
MAP sensor 
MAP sensor (Bosch type)
DBW throttle body
Ignition coil sub harnesses (both sides)

Your choice of ignition coil type and Injector coil type


A flying lead is a pigtail with professionally crimped terminals that you can splice into existing wires. If you're repairing an OEM harness, or don't own a set of correct crimpers, this is a great option!