Toyota JZ Connector Kit


1JZ or 2JZ, Turbo or Non turbo, VVTi or Non VVTI does not matter. This connector kit covers all variants of Toyota's legendary inline 6. Select your choice of ignition coils and injectors and go! See our Resources page is you need help choosing the correct type.
Save yourself the guess work and order one kit and get every connector you need, extra terminals and a set of de-pinning tools!

Pair this with a flying lead harness, ECU and sensor kits for a complete DIY engine electronics solution. 

Note: Includes connectors for stock Toyota engine components, no aftermarket sensor, chassis, or transmission related components are included. Additional connectors can also be purchased using our website, no substitutions.

 Includes connectors for the following:

A/C compressor (new style)
A/C compressor (old style)
Alternator (old style)
Alternator (new style)
APP sensor (or GE distributor)
Cam sensor (x2)
CLT gauge sensor
Coolant temp sensor (two types)
Crank sensor
Intake Air temp sensor
Idle air control valve
Knock sensor (x2)
Oil pressure switch
Throttle position sensor
Throttle body clutch
VVTI solenoid


A flying lead is a pigtail with professionally crimped terminals that you can splice into existing wires. If you're repairing an OEM harness, or don't own a set of correct crimpers, this is a great option!